Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008 at the Hill's

Richard , Alice and Nacho....
Jada and Harley they love to take pictures

Lynne, Charles, Teresa, Sandra and Barbara

Charles, Lynne, Teresa, Sandra, Mom, Barbara, and Daddy
Tony, Celia, and Sandra Maness
Brian, Lynne and Chris
Chris who is now 17
Celia, Chandler, Stephanie, Grannie Hill and Harley
all listening to Grannie Hills advise
Kerry Jr. and Papaw....kerry jr showing he
can get a hug....

Chandler Hester our foster son...who is now
Okay this is too hard: Kerry Jr., Lynne, Teresa, Grannie Hill
Papaw Hill, Charles, Estelle, Sandra, Tony, Travis, Barbara, Chandler,
Jada, Tammy, Harley, Chris, Stephanie, and Kerry.....(Brain is missing)
Terry is also missing but taking all pictures.....
Okay dont ask me to name them again....the Hill, Bailey,
Maness, Marks, and Davis Clan.
Chandler and Celia showing off how sweet they are..

Grannie and Papaw Hill (Richard and Alice)

Estelle and Charles Hill.....they are smiling and you
believe it....hahahahaha

Teresa, Travis, Tammy and Terry Bailey

Okay I hate pictures but this is my bunch....
Kerry Jr., Barbara, Kerry, and Harley Davis
Kerry and Barbara........we just love pictures!!!NOT! Kerry Jr., Kerry, Barbara, Stephanie, Harley,
Jada and Chandler
This is our Bunch the Daivs Bunch!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved to see all the pictures of your family.....time has sure flown since the cruise in September 2006. I hope that grandma Irene Kinney is doing better, prayer is certainly the answer. Nice to hear from you. Jan